What is the Plan?

As the old year is drawing the blinds making way for the new to come, I was thinking about the plans we make. I was taught that you need to always plan ahead because if you plan for nothing, you will reach it every time . The Bible speaks about plans - God’s plans: Jer 29:11 AMP - For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. This is a well-known scripture and is filled with hope and potential. What stood out for me though is that the Lord says “ He knows ” the plans He has for me. He is not wondering. He will not have to make an emergency plan to get me out of some issue. He is already prepared; He knows what He has planned. It is a good plan, and He is ready to walk it out with me. Then taking it further, I was reminded that it is “His plans” . He has plans for me. I know this is where the difficulty comes for peo...