Since the beginning of 2023 I have been on a journey of rediscovering Jesus as my first love as in Revelation 2:4 AMP:
But I have this [charge] against you, that you have left your first love [you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me].
This brought me nearer to Him in a most unexpected way but also left me with the feeling of “what if I live this life and die and go to Heaven, only to find out that there was more while I was still here on earth?”
A week or so ago I felt this intense longing for someone or something. You know the feeling when you are missing someone that you don’t even know? Since then, I kept feeling that there is more. I asked the Lord about it, and He said that I should not be looking to people, to my pastor or my friends, but I should find it with Him and in His Word.
I see this blog as my journey journal to help me remember the things the Lord is showing me. I invite you to join and walk with me. I hope you will feel encouraged and that my journey will ignite a hunger in you for more. More what? More of knowing Him and everything He has for us - more wisdom, anointing, joy, healing, faith, the list can go on and on…
John 10:10 (b) AMP: I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
This blog is my personal journey with God and what He is showing me. If reading this encourages you, then it blesses my heart. It should in no way take the place of you getting fresh, special and personalized Rhema words from God daily for yourself but should make you hungry to find your own “More”.