Love's Challenge

I thought it would be a good way to start the new year by sharing this challenge that I was recently given. So much of us being able to walk in daily success in all areas of our lives, is highly dependent on trusting the Lord and not leaning on our own understanding. But, in order for us to trust Him, we need to not only focus on trust, but on understanding how much He loves us. He knows our name; He has good things planned for us and wants us to walk in the reality of that. If you have a deficit where God’s love for you is concerned, then you will fear having to trust Him. So, the challenge that was given me was to ask the Lord daily to show me how much He loves me. I used to casually do this in the past. I love the quirky bird that we know as the Cape Robin. He is quick but oh so beautiful. He would visit me by sitting on the wall outside my window even if it was just a brief moment every day. Sometimes I would catch h...