Set Your Mind..

I am sure I am not the only one who feels alone from time to time. People can leave you; friends move on, or circumstances and situations can make you feel like your life is overwhelming you to the point of despair. In times such as this, have you ever thought about where God is? He does after all say that He will never leave us nor forsake us. I heard someone tell a part of her testimony the other day. When she was younger, she made the wrong friends, and these relationships soon made her question if God is real. She seriously considered renouncing her faith in God. At the time she was far away from home and felt all alone. At one stage she sat sobbing in her room. She didn’t say how she got out of the situation but shared that years later she asked the Lord where He was when she was going through this. His response was that as she was sitting at her desk sobbing and staring at the wall, He was right behind her sitting on her bed....