Finished Work - God Approved!

God approves of you today - in fact He approves of you right now! What are your thoughts as you read that statement? Do you immediately think that cannot be true, my life is still a mess. How can God approve if I am not yet walking in freedom, if I still struggle with sin, sickness or bondage, if my family is still not living in harmony. Are you quickly considering all the things you need to do so God can accept you and approve of you so He can heal you and set you free? This type of thinking will prevent you from walking in the fullness of what God has already done for you. Let me explain: Most people believe that the cross happened, but they don’t believe it was all that effective. They still believe there are things they need to do. They need to read the Bible more, live more holy on purpose, and be mindful to confess any possible sin - their own and those of their ancestors. And while these are all noble motives, you won’t ...