Sheep Talk..

About God speaking, us hearing and why being called a sheep is actually a good thing… I remember one of my favorite preachers sharing what happened to him when he was still young and learning. He was getting ready to go on a missionary road trip with this older, more seasoned preacher. When they got into the car, the older man said that they needed to pray and ask the Lord for a safe journey and His blessing on their trip. The young man quickly started to ramble off a prayer which included a bunch of spiritual warfare words intended to make all of hell tremble. When he was done and the smoke of his assault on hell cleared, the older man took his cup of coffee with one hand, and the steering wheel with the other. As he started driving, he began talking to God like one would with an old friend - just continuing a conversation where he previously left it. The younger man became very irritated with the ease in which the older man was able to enter the pre...