Not Just a Number..

I was wondering what to write that would cover not only the Christmas season that is slowly unwinding, but also the soon approaching end of the year as well as what is to come for the next. It made me realize that it is and always will be all about Jesus. If Christmas is not about Him being born to die for us, then no tomorrow or next year can bring a good future. I can spend a lot of time telling you about the amazing life changing things I have learned this year - and yes I am in the process of uncovering an abundance of the “more” which is the reason why I started this blog in the first place - but mostly this year was about unlearning things that didn’t represent Jesus or the Father in the right way. The Lord helped to heal and cleanse and purge my heart from lies and half truths about His character, why He came and who He wants to be in my life. It is so important to evict these lies and remove the half-truths and prevent them from renting any further...