Create a Blog She Said..

I can hear you as you complete the rest.. “It would be fun, she said..”  This is not exactly how it started, even though it is close. But, you have to agree it makes for a catchy opening title..

As it turns out, something I never even considered doing, is now quite the adventure.    

In the last few years, I have often heard people ask how to find their destiny.  This is a question I grappled with myself.

I think one of the biggest mistakes we as Christians make is to compare ourselves and our gifts and callings to that of others.  I have come to understand that each one of us were created totally unique with amazing gifts and talents so we can have a positive impact where we live and in the sphere of influence God has placed us.  There is no one like you who can do what you do, in the way you do it. 

If I look around me it is evident how different the Lord created the people around me, those who I share my life with.  

My mom is an amazing source of wisdom and encouragement not only to me, but also to others.  She is always positive and full of joy and faith and has more go in her than most people half her age.  And then she can make even the most basic meal feel like a feast.  I think it might be the extra spoon of joy as well as the double pinch of love she adds.

Then there is my sister.  She is two years older than I and we differ quite a bit when it comes to our nature, temperament as well as gifts.  She is one of those people who always only sees the good in someone and would never talk bad about others.  She is always willing to help out.  She makes this world a better place.

I have also come to know the most amazing, selfless people.  With the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit they helped my spirit to get its heartbeat back and have shaken it back into my body.  Who knew this could even be done...  They know how to translate the deep things of God into something I can understand and even look forward to doing.  If we were all created the same, with the same gifts, my life would not have been this rich.      

Comparison is such an insult to our Creator.  It says that you think He needed a hand when He made you.  Meanwhile, God was looking forward to the day you would pop through the sky door on the way to your mother’s arms, so he could show off every good and perfect and unique gift He placed in you.  It is time we get more excited and expectant to discover who He really made us to be.

Eph 2:10 (AMP) - For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].

As I started writing this post, the Holy Spirit reminded me of an image He gave me a few years back.  It was of a stained glass window in a church.  He said that you need beautiful glass of different colours and shapes, but you also need lead to make it into a window.  Without the lead it will just be a pile of coloured glass that won’t reflect the sun.  With us, some are called to be in the limelight taking the mic, while others are the lead behind the scenes, praying, giving, creating, nursing, cooking, the list goes on and on.  Put them all together and they make the most beautiful window, perfect to reflect “the Son”.

Why would you want to be like someone else?  Love who God made you to be. There is only one of you and God doesn’t use the same pattern twice.  This world desperately needs you and the gifts God has placed in you.  So, if God has been prompting you to take that step, to fill in the form, to get the ball rolling to start something He has called you, or if it is to knit that scarf to give to your elderly neighbor, do it.  Who knows, it might just lead you through a baby step, to get into that amazing destiny He has planned for you before the foundation of the world.. 

Back to creating a Blog.  It wasn’t something I ever considered or thought I would be able to do, or love.  I am learning that one of the keys to walking in your destiny, is to listen to those close to you if they recognize a gift that they see in you.  We are sometimes too close to see it in ourselves.  So when a good friend suggested that I start blogging, it spoke to something on the inside of me.  I didn’t act immediately but woke up a few nights later with an idea for a post.  This grew in my mind to something “I just had to do”.  I could sense the Lord’s approval.  Without realizing it, I stumbled into a tiny part of my destiny by being obedient and listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  Turns out, and I was not aware of this, but my dad had the ability to write creatively.  Writing the Blog is an unexpected joy as I sit back and see the Holy Spirit taking the pen. Amazing how He can plan things and help us find the path to what He has for us.  All it took was a little push from a good friend..

So finally… 

Take the time to discover and treasure, what God took the time to place in you… 

And never, never, never again dare to compare…

Phil 1:6 (AMP) - I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return]. 


The two photos show beauty in uniqueness. 

There are Sharon's exquisite flowers and Janine’s beautiful shells.

Just a note to those who have subscribed to receive email notifications for this blog.  I see that the service provider adds adverts to the notification email.  I didn't know they would be doing this.  Please know that I don’t select or get the opportunity to approve the adverts they place.  I am not endorsing any products, services or causes. 

May you be blessed as you continue following this blog.


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