For Love's Sake
I didn’t think I was going to write anything this week as nothing came and so I didn’t want to force it. But, as I was lying awake early morning focusing on the Lord and meditating on His goodness, I realized that just like a diamond reflecting the light showing off the many facets, so the Lord has many facets to who He is and how much He loves us. Just when you think you have an idea of who He is, He shows you something more. My words are somehow too ordinary to express what I am seeing. I also realize that even though our ability is limited to comprehend a fraction of His person, He still wants to be known by us.
You hear people say they want to do this, or they want to do that for the Lord, and I sometimes wonder if they realize that everything they have and all they can do - their talents, intellect, abilities - are all from His hand. We cannot breathe or even move without Him helping us. With everything He gave us we can decide if we want to use it for His glory, for the recognition that the world gives, or for our own purposes. We have nothing that He didn’t give us and so we really have nothing to give Him that is of such great value, except one thing - He gave us the ability to freely choose Him, to love Him. He wants us to choose Him every day, but He will not force us.
I often think about the scripture in Mat 7:21-23 (AMP):
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day [when I judge them], ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and driven out demons in Your name, and done many miracles in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them publicly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me [you are banished from My presence], you who act wickedly [disregarding My commands].’
What a great privilege, that we can know the God of the universe. The flipside of that though - the most sobering and devastating words ever - “depart from me, I never knew you”. You did all these things for me, in My name, on My behalf, yet you never took the time to look in My face, to let Me love and know you.
May we seek to bring our hearts to know Him and for Him to know us while it is still day. Don’t wait until your heart and your life is perfect. He doesn't want that. He wants you to come just as you are so He can help you fix it. He knew we would not be able to do it on our own. That is why He died.
Take your heart to Him, take it often, take it when it is dirty, when it is hard and hurting, when you just don’t know what to do anymore. He will heal the hurt, show you the offense, reveal the trappings of the enemy. But more importantly, He will help you clean it up, see truth, find direction - get closer to Him. He will never judge or make you feel condemned. He is always loving; He will let you leave a better person than how you came. HE IS THAT GOOD!
The Creator-God of the universe, who can have anything He wants, is calling for you today. He wants to have a relationship with you, He wants you to know His love, He wants you to know His heart. But more than that:
He wants you to freely choose to love Him back. How about it?
Photo: Janine's view.
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