Knock Knock! Who Is There?
Have you ever had something happen to you that was so devastating that you thought you would not survive? Something that came out of nowhere and can fall under the title “I never thought anything like that would ever, ever happen to me?”
When disaster like that strikes it can have the ability to wipe out your dreams, years of educational achievements and work experience in one single moment. Even basic things like tying shoelaces and sitting up straight can be something that needs to be relearned.
How others see you, as well as the value that the world puts on you, can plummet unexpectedly like the temperature when you thought Spring was finally here and so you had your dog’s winter fur coat shaved off.. (need I say more..?)
I am sure by now you are wondering where I am going with all this. Hang in there, we are getting to the good part!
I have firsthand experience of the things mentioned. I found myself in such a situation years ago - the details are not important. But, what happened was that who I thought I was and the life that I carefully planned and worked at, was wiped out in a moment. And not only did I have to reinvent myself as to my purpose in life, I also felt robbed of my identity - who I thought I was and also who others saw me to be.
But - and this is the good part - I stumbled upon a treasure. I found who I was in Christ. That helped my life to make sense again and knowing my value and worth in Christ, has helped me and still sustains me today.
Finding your true identity in Christ is not dependent on achievements, ability or even physical strength. It is based entirely on Christ’s sacrifice and all the benefits that are ours now as a free gift. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then I would like to invite you to take the time to read the Epistles in the Bible. They are the letters written to the Church by Paul and others and are the books from Romans to Jude. Look out for the words “in Christ”, in Whom”, through Whom”, etc. and as you read make it personal, take what is written for yourself because He is saying it to you personally - this is your true identity. Here are some examples from Ephesians 1:1-14:
In Him I am blessed with every spiritual blessing, He chose me and made me holy and blameless in His sight. He predestined and adopted me and bestowed His glorious grace and favor on me. He delivered me and saved me and gave me complete redemption through His blood. And if that is not enough, He gave me a destiny. I was claimed by God as His own. I can go on and on, but I would like to conclude with this, that I am stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit as owned and protected by God Himself. This is but a short summary of who I am in Christ. There are many, many more to uncover, explore, believe and receive.
I am confident in knowing that God is pleased with me and with my life. Not because it is perfect - far from it - but because Jesus made me super acceptable to the Father through His grace and mercy and the free gift of salvation. For that, I will always be grateful.
My motto now is “I am who He says I am, I can do what He says I can do”. To have your identity based on the world’s values and norms is risky and can be fleeting. Rather take the time to find out what He purchased for you and who He says you are. Once you are established in this new identity, you will find that nothing and no-one will be able to steal this away from you and that you can find comfort in the fact that you are complete in Him (Col 2:10).
So, when I say, “Knock Knock” and someone answers “Who is there?” I know what to answer because I know who I am - I am grounded and established in who He made me to be.
On a lighter note, I thought it fitting to end the blog with some cheesy, not so funny, knock knock jokes courtesy of Google:
Knock knock. Who's there? Owls. Owls who? They sure do!
Knock knock. Who's there? Lettuce! Lettuce who? Lettuce in.
Knock knock. Who’s there? Nobel. Nobel who? There's no bell...that’s why I knocked.
Knock knock. Who's there? Hutch. Hutch who? Bless you!
Photo credit: From Janine’s Collection.
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