Perfect Peace

I am writing this for myself today, but you are welcome to read along and be encouraged. I was thinking about the phrase “You are what you eat”. I also saw a quote on Facebook that said you should name your new puppy (if you have one) after the last thing you ate. I realized I don’t want to resemble a blueberry muffin, nor do I want to call any dog of mine, that. Yes, I need to eat less blueberry muffins…! On that sweet note, it was my mother’s birthday last week and so we had a lot of tempting sweet treats in the house. Since then, we made the decision that we had to be more mindful to eat less sugar and sweet treats. The quote should probably be changed to read “You are a product of what you eat”. But what about our spirits? They are equally a product of what we “snack on” with our eyes and ears. If we are not selective in what we listen to or watch on media platforms, then that can affect our spirits and fill us with fear a...