Where is the Powerhouse?

I find the process of writing these blogs quite interesting. Since I started writing them, I would hear a phrase or be reminded of something someone said and then I would think “this is a great topic or title for a blog”. I would start a document, add a title and proceed to jot down some ideas, then park it in the "Drafts" folder. Do you know that the majority of those blogs don’t get written or published? Seems they are not on the Lord’s agenda and just a desire from my own soul. And then there is this one. It is like the Lord is nudging me in this direction and I don't want to go there. I don’t want people to get upset with me, yet here I am typing away. Have you ever heard people complain and say they feel weak and tired? To which someone else would respond and say “you need to listen to your body”. Do you know that a comment like that is not in the Bible? If we go a bit deeper, have you ever wondered who the “you’ is ...